Please write a snippet code (logic) for how to swap two values without using the third variable?
Manohar Answered question July 8, 2019
The values can be swapped using the sum and subtraction, try below snippet .
public class Test { public static void swapTwoValues(int firstVal, int secondVal) { System.out.println("Before swapping--->"); System.out.println("First Value:" + firstVal); System.out.println("Second Value:" + secondVal); firstVal = firstVal + secondVal; secondVal = firstVal - secondVal; firstVal = firstVal - secondVal; System.out.println("After swapping---->"); System.out.println("First Value:" + firstVal); System.out.println("Second Value:" + secondVal); } public static void main(String[] args) { int firstVal = 5; int secondVal = 6; swapTwoValues(firstVal, secondVal); } }
Output :
Before swapping—>
First Value:5
Second Value:6
After swapping—->
First Value:6
Second Value:5
Manohar Posted new comment July 8, 2019
Updated, thanks for correcting me.
Try this logic..
int f = 10;
int s = 5;
f = f * s;
s = f / s;
f = x / s;
Manohar Changed status to publish July 8, 2019
Out put for this code is wrong guys pls upadte it