- How do you configure hibernate?
- Why we need hibernate over JDBC?
- What are the annotation used in Hibernate? @Entity, @Id, @Column, @ManyToOne, @OneToMany
- Explain Hibernate Cache
- Based on given id we need to fetch data from DB otherwise return NULL, What Query needs to be used ?
get method needs to be used.
session.get(Department.class,1) - What is the difference between JDBC and Hibernate
- What are the cache mechanisom available in hibernate and how to configure second level cache?
- What is the ORM?
- What is the Benefits/Advantage of Hibernate?
- How money ways create composite id in hibernate.
- What is the difference between save and saveOrUpdates.
- What are the fetching strategies in hibernate
- How to configure hibernate connections properties in spring.
- What are the relationships in hibernate and explain each one and how to configure each relationships in mapping file or annotation.
- Explain one-to-one, one-to-many relationships in Hibernate?
- Difference between HQL and Criteria?
Hibernate Interview Questions

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