Dynamically Configuring Input in Spring Batch: A Guide to Flexible Batch Processing in Eclipse


To provide input dynamically in a Spring Batch application, you can use parameters. Parameters can be passed to the batch job when it is launched. Here’s an example extending the previous one to accept the input file path as a parameter:

Step 1: Update Batch Configuration

Update your BatchConfiguration.java to include a parameter for the input file path:

Step 2: Create an application.properties File

Create an application.properties file in the src/main/resources directory with the following content:

This configuration specifies the default input file path. You can override it when launching the application.

Step 3: Update Main Class

Update your BatchApplication.java to include a CommandLineRunner bean that allows you to pass the input file path as a command-line argument:

Step 4: Run the Application with Dynamic Input

Now, you can run your Spring Batch application with a dynamic input file path. If you run the application from the command line, provide the input file path as an argument:

If no argument is provided, the default input file path specified in application.properties will be used.

About Manohar

I, Manohar am the founder and chief editor of ClarifyAll.com. I am working in an IT professional.

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